Sunday, March 23, 2014

CRS.....the password's the key

I have too many passwords to remember

     I am dog sitting.  Now, that is not a problem.  Emily has indoor plumbing, heat, Internet and cable access, all the pluses in a civilized society.
     What I don't have is my password book.
      That's right, book.
      When password security started to by stressed by Internet safety groups, I took the message to heart.
      One piece of advice was:  don't use the same password for all your accounts.
     So I don't.  (Incidentally, someone else in the household is not entirely in agreement with me on that.)  And I have CRS...(can't remember shit)....... which seems to grow daily.  Yes, this is a real condition, but I can't remember where I read about it.
     Every time I open an account or whatever that demands a password, I use a different one.
     So Google has a password different from Facebook, which is different from the Capital 1, which is different than Apple, which is different from Brookfield Zoo, Amazon, BP Rewards, EBates, Eddie Bauer, Walgreen' get the idea.
     And sometimes the user name is different.  I have one site where my first name is Terru.  I get e-mails to Terru, greetings to Terru, all because my user name is Terru.  And there is no secret to that name, U is next to Y and when I type, sometimes I don't catch my mistakes.  So I will ever more be known as TerruD on one site.  And yes, I tried to change my name....but that seems to be the only box you can't edit.
      My guess is they figure everyone knows how to spell their own name, right?  And there is usually a box that asks, "Is all the information correct" that you have to check before hitting the obviously etched in stone submit button.
     So I thought, start a new account.  But I can't because the e-mail address is already in use.  Yes, I know I could use a second or third e-mail address (I am sure there is a reason I have 3!), but I am confused enough about the security issues.  Seems the more addresses you have, the more likely you will be scammed, spammed, phished or some other word with a ph sound at the start.
      So I will go through life as Terru on that website.  I don't mind, it is kind of exotic sounding and mysterious, I think.  People at the website probably sit around and say, "That Terru is quite a character.  Look at the choices he/she is making.  Is Terru a boy or a girl?  Inquiring minds want to know."
      So, that's why for the first time since Jan 1 I did not have a posting.  (I know, I missed it by an hour a couple of weeks hour!  This was all night!)
      Since I am at Emily's another three nights, I think I will make a point to blog earlier in the evening, from the comforts of my own home, where security is only a notebook away.


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