Thursday, March 27, 2014

Deja vu all over again

I am going to be in a play this September

     Life works in very strange ways.  I got a phone call a couple of weeks ago.  White Pines is doing Greater Tuna in September.  Someone from the Pines called, and I thought I had won free tickets.
     I said, "I can't wait to see the show this September."
     She said, "How would you like to be in the show?"
     That set off the process of meeting the other person (oddly and sadly, not named Terry), reading parts, discussing the show rehearsals and getting to know the other cast member.
     Greater Tuna is a two person show.  Each actor plays about 10 characters.  Terry C. and I have done three Tuna shows...Greater, Red White, and Christmas.....all directed by Renee P.  This is a whole different story.  Chemistry rules.
     The person who was going to do the show evidently got cold feet.  He is a little older than me and maybe did not feel he could get the memorization and characters down for the show.  So he opted out.
     We share the same fears, incidentally.
     Today I got another call.  I need to send my bio and a picture so it can be on the website.
     Now this isn't done lightly.  We had planned to visit Julia in mid September, but now we won't go until the end of September.  I will have rehearsals in August, so that will alter my end of summer plans a little.. although, to be honest, I tend to plan less and just do what I feel like doing most days.
     So it seems semi official....I also have to sign a contract.
     If everything holds together ( I can imagine the captain of the Titanic thinking the same thought), I will be doing six shows at White Pines, all Wednesday and Thursday matinees.
     Yes, I will be paid.  No, I don't have to be an equity member.  Yes, I am flattered.  No, I won't let it go to my head.  Yes, I am excited.  No,  I have not started memorizing lines but I will do that soon.
     I just hope there are no icebergs in the ocean into which I am about to dive.


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