Saturday, March 8, 2014

damn...missed it by an hour

I am grateful and appreciative

     I missed my entry by an hour.  I was watching a movie and simply forgot.  My temptation was to stay in bed and just skip Saturday,   March 8.  There would be no entry.  But that would mean I did not complete my entry a day.
     So technically this is Saturday's entry.  Sure, the calendar says Sunday, but it is still Saturday night....although it is verging into Sunday morning territory.
     I am grateful and appreciative of all the readers of my effort.  The pages I have posted have had 2,958 sometime next week we will pass the 3,000 mark.
    I appreciate your comments.  I am grateful I have  an audience to perform for, and hopefully I will not disappoint you.
     In the meantime, if you get the Chicago Tribune on Sunday, I understand there is a neat little article in the travel section's Fork in the Road page.

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