Thursday, March 20, 2014

How green is my garden

I have to remember we are city folk.
     City folk don't do some things.
     For example:  The first auction I ever went to featured a roto tiller.  Jackie and I were about 12 at the time and had no idea about auctions....but we wanted a roto tiller for the garden we planted.  So we went.
     We made a promise to not bid more than $ was tight.  We wanted to grow our own food to save money and needed a tiller to get the garden ready.
      So there I was, at $95 and still raising my hand.  We ended up buying it for $110, much more than we wanted.
      I had a Chevette...and it was a bear to get that baby in the tiny back end.
     Of course, the tiller worked fine when the tines were in the air, but as soon as it hit the ground they stopped.  That sucker wouldn't cut through butter.
      It cost another $100 to fix.  But we had a tiller for a garden.
      We planted potatoes.  Lots of potatoes.  I did not know that one eye produced several taters.  I planted close to 50 eyes......we had potatoes through the winter and into the spring.
      We planted carrots, beans, peas...the whole ball of wax.  And zucchini.....if I remember, several hills of that.  Again, we did not know how prolific it was.
      As the years went on, the garden got smaller.  And smaller.  Then it disappeared.  We have not had a garden for three years.
      But this year is a rebirth of the gardening bug.  We are doing a raised garden with some tomatoes, cucumber, peas, beans, green peppers.....not a lot of produce, but enough to allow us to avoid those tasteless store bought Frankensteins.
      As soon as the weather warms, I'll put it together, fill it with dirt, and plant the plants.
      And about July 2 I'll be frustrated, it will be hot, the weeds will be in abundance and I'll have to remind us, we are city folk after all.

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