Saturday, March 15, 2014

Another way to give

I support a lot of causes

     Jackie and I support a lot of causes, both with our time and with our money.  
     Among the causes:  WNIJ public radio, WTTW public television, Chicago Tribune charities, United Way of Ogle County......and several others that send us solicitations in the mail.
    But I also give a lot of time.  Last year I donated 76 hours to Brookfield Zoo, time each week in a kindergarten classroom, time in the summer lunch program, and time answering telephones at the WNIJ spring pledge event.
     And that's where I was this morning....sitting in the basement of the radio station on First Avenue by the Kishwaukee River, answering phone calls and taking pledges.
     The people I volunteered with I knew.  It seems on the Saturday morning edition of the pledge drive a few of the same people volunteer...Linda, Jill, Su, Casey.  We catch up on the news about family, jobs and travel, talk about politics and the issues of the day...and although these people are not really friends, for a couple of hours we seem to be family, working together on one cause, sharing the same task, serving the same purpose.
     That is one benefit of retirement.  I have time to do those types of activities.
     It opens new doors, creates new interests, raises new awarenesses.
     Nothing funny about today's entry....more a meditation and a suggestion.
     If you can volunteer someplace, do it.  If you can give money to a cause, give it.
     You'll be surprised how much meaning it can restore to your life, and the interest it will add to your days.

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