Thursday, March 6, 2014

Do I smell smoke?

Sometimes I misread the situation.

     I consider myself a good citizen.  So when I see a crime being committed, I report it.
     (Except for the time in high school I saw a man in my aunt's apartment.  The back door to her porch was closed....which it never was.  I saw the guy through her window.  I thought about it for a couple of seconds,  then I saw him leave through the back door.  I went over and found her front door open, and her back door broken in.  Then I called the police, but the horses had already left the barn.)
     If I see a fire, I will report it.
     I was driving down Il 38 one summer night and saw smoke coming from behind the west end of the May Mart complex, which is where the First National Bank is now located.
     The smoke was pretty thick.  I was working at the paper then and Hornsby's department store was located on the east end of the shopping center.  I went in and told the cashier  to call the fire department because the building across the drive was on fire.
     I was standing in the parking lot watching the smoke, which seemed to have moved farther west, that was definitely coming from the roof of the building.
     The manager of Hornsby's came out and stood besides me.   We could hear the sirens of the fire trucks in the distance.  It sounded like there were a lot of them.
      "What's burning?" he asked.
     "I don't know...the smoke seems to have moved farther west.  I thought it was the real estate office."
      He watched it for a few seconds.  The sirens were getting louder, help was arriving.   The flames would be put out and the building saved.  I would be a hero!!
     "You sure it wasn't the mosquito fogger?  It went past a few minutes ago."
     I quietly moved away, got back in my car and drove away.
     I don't think anyone on the fire department knew it was me.
     Unfortunately, it was only the first in a series of non fire reporting.


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