Tuesday, March 25, 2014

How does she do it???

I am a terrible dog sitter

     When Emily goes away, someone needs to watch the dogs.
     Which explains why I have spent the last four (not including today, yet) nights at her house.
     She has three dogs and a psycho cat.  You have to watch every animal, every minute.
     Otherwise, Gwen sneaks into the kitchen and polishes off the rest of the cat food...leaving the cat hungry and foodless.  As she did Monday night.
     Cooper will eat your shoes...or anything else you leave lying around.  After my first experience, I learned to put my shoes up high to avoid having them become expensive chew toys.
     Bennett just runs away.....although last night he did come up to me and sniff my hand and allow me to pet him.  But he forgot that today.
     And if you leave a door open Jaz goes in the room or out the door or in the garage....and it is not always easy to get him/her back.
     All the dogs recycle....a habit that is being worked on, but I try to keep my eye on them when they are out.  And one of them digs... you can't rest.
     So today I bought some more cat food and filled the feeder.  Jaz spent a lot of time eating, and the dogs were running around barking, and Jackie was coming, and the phone was ringing....
     Cat wandered into Emily's bedroom where she began the wildest, scariest howl I've ever heard from  him.   Or her.  I don't remember.
     I headed toward her/him, dogs in an uproar, and looked in in time to see her/him yak up all the food she/he had gobbled down.
    Now I have to get paper towels and keep the dogs away from the reheated yet still intact food.  Jaz lets out another yowl and goes into retch position, but I luckily put paper towels on the ground and she/he hit the mark.
     Meanwhile, Gwen has already made a bee line for the unattended cat food in the kitchen because I didn't close the gate.
     I get her out, grab more paper towels, find a plastic bag and clean up the cat's present.
     As I am taking that out, cat is back at the feeder.....reloading.
     I whoosh her away, pick up the food and take all but a handful out, which is what I should have done to start with.
     Fifteen minutes is like two hours of work.  I really don't see how Emily and John can keep up with the circus!!
     Maybe that explains why I have slept like a log the last three nights.
      Emily and John will be back tomorrow.  And I will be able to go home and sleep in my own bed and not have to worry about dogs eating cat food, or cats, or my shoes.
     That is, until July!!


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