Sunday, March 16, 2014

I may become a Luddite

Technology baffles and frustrates me

     I have a little I Pod.  For days I have been trying to turn it on.  I have charged it, and charged it, and charged it.  It is 6 years old and I have not used it in two years.  The chances that my battery is dead are ginormous.....but I keep trying.
     I found a smaller I Pod....must have been Jackie's.  Can't figure out where to plug in the ear phones.
     Emily's BF John came over and pointed out I was trying to use the computer's remote to listen to music.  That doesn't work.
     When he was here I mentioned I was having trouble moving pictures into my new  photo book project in i Photo.  I selected a group of 16 pictures and moved it to a book project, but when I opened the project there were 394 pictures.  So I deleted it.  I created a new book project, selected 16 pictures and moved it to the new book project.  When I opened it, there were 394 pictures.  No, I did not type the same lines twice.  Pay attention!  I don't do tech stuff well.  So I created another book project.  And this time I did not move any photos.  When I explained to John what was happening, we opened the new project and there were my 16 photos.  How the hell they got there, I don't know.  Whatever happened to the 394 photos is now a mystery.
     Then there is the Apple TV.  This device allows our computer to connect to the TV.  I can use the TV screen to play games, watch movies ordered from i Tunes and most importantly....we can stream the WGN newscasts and watch them on a real TV!  I can do the same with Channel 2, 5, and 7 out of Chicago.......screw the Rockford stations and the idiots who run them!!
     But I digress.
     John patiently explained how to turn on the Air Parrot, then pick the source, then hit the correct hookup and voila!  Channel 9.  I wrote it all down.
     So when it came to doing it, I could not find the right source.  Could not find the right remote.  Could not find the right magic button.......luckily Jackie did.
     I miss the days of actual newspapers, manual typewriters and tin can telephones.
     And what is crazy is compared to a lot of people my age, I am pretty good with the tech stuff.  Listening to other old folks talk about the computers as enemies makes me realize I am ahead of the curve with some of the skills.
      But I still am considering becoming a Luddite.  And if you don't know what they are...Google it.  I dare you.

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