Sunday, June 1, 2014

How much is that doggie in the window?

I think some people make too much money

     And I wish I was one of them!
     The Chicago Tribune today listed 2013 salaries of executives in Illinois and the Chicago area.  The average pay was up over 5 percent.  The median for chief executives was $5.2 million.  That could buy some serious fun.
     Now I know, running a business takes expertise, tact, talent and knowledge.  When I am flying to visit Julia, the last think I worry about is the $23,263,562 reportedly paid to the CEO of Boeing.  And I know that pales in comparison to salaries star athletes can get just to endorse a show, or product, or whatever.
     But holy smoke!  The Tribune listed four executives of companies headquartered in Illinois and northwestern Indiana who made over $20 million last year.  That is some chunk of change.
     And owners of sports teams can claim a net worth of billions of dollars.  Granted, some don't seem smart enough to amass that much wealth, but they have.
     The Tribune list 96 executives earning $1 million or more.  I don't begrudge them that....... well, maybe a little.
     If there were 20 teachers at a Rochelle school making $50,000 year's CEO salary would cover 23 years of teacher's salaries.  23 years.  Check my math, please.  10 teachers at $50,000 is $500,000, so twenty teachers would be $1 million per year.
     I was talking to a service technician the other day and he said he made $17.60 an hour.  That is a good wage, about $700 a week.  Plus he gets overtime.  I can't begin to divide $20 million into a per hour cost but my calculator says it's about $9,600 an hour.
     I wish I could get hired for that price and work only two hours.  By then they would know I was incompetent and fire me.  Actually, they would know the first hour but filling out the paper work would take another hour, so I'd be happy.
     What would I do with all that money?
     I'd buy a chaise lounge for the front porch, one with cushions and soft padding.  That way when I fall asleep reading, I won't get a still neck from my flopping back in a chair or falling forward onto the concrete.
      I'd take a trip to the redwood forest in California, stopping at the Prince of Wales hotel in Canada for high tea.
      I'd do whatever I damn please.
     I know we are basically the same.  I get up and get dressed just the same as a $20 million executive.  He may have better clothes, but I am very comfortable in my Brookfield Zoo "I am a member" shirt and jeans.  And of course his underwear is probably silk and his shoes made from hand rubbed merino sheep skin that was hand sewn to his exact specifications by an Italian shoemaker in Panzano, Italy.  But hey, we sill put those socks on one foot at a time.
     This rant has worn me out.  I'm going to go out on the porch and flop back in my chair.
     I just hope I don't get a stiff neck.

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