Monday, June 16, 2014

Here's lookin at you, kid

I wish I watched more movies

     I have a Netflix subscription.  Red Box is only $1.20.  There are so many movies I want to see, but I just don't go or watch them.
     Godzilla.  Her.  Movies that looked good in previews, but I never made it to the theater or Red Box to see them.
     Saving Mr. Banks.  Twelve Years a Slave.  Movies that won awards, honors, praise....and I don't watch them.
     It's not that I never watch movies.  I have seen Casablanca probably 25 times....and can even do the dialogue in some scenes.  I love that movie!  Intrigue.  Humor.  Suspense.  A good message.  I can watch that every week and never tire of it.  But it has to be  black and white, not colorized.
     It's a Wonderful Life.  Watch it every Christmas and I never get tired of George talking about his dreams of travel, or goofy Clarence ordering a mulled win in Nick's Place.  Good stuff.
     So why don't I watch more?
     Maybe I spend too much time playing solitaire, or watching the Cubs, or checking Facebook, or writing my blog.
     Or maybe I spend too much time watching movies that I happen to be available without leaving the house.
     Whatever, I want to start watching movies more.
     So I am asking you:  What movies should I watch?   If you have some ideas, tack them on in the comment section and I'll get going.
      Just let me finish a game or two.  And the Cubs are on tomorrow at 6. So, after that.  Maybe.

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