Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Duh...we all knew that, I think

I really have learned a lot in life

     Despite my less than stellar academic record, I have learned a lot in life.
     this actually started because of a FB post a former student had about what life skills do you teach a child?  Carly got answers like people should:  be able to balance a checkbook, know how to find joy, know how to change a spare tire.....commonsense issues no one really sat down and taught us.  At least in my family they didn't, and I didn't.
     Here are a few of the lessons I have learned, but not in school.  Feel free to add to them, if you'd like.
     Laughter is good, creating laughter is magical
     We need friends
     We need family, so heal your differences before it is too late
      Money doesn't buy happiness, but it is better than being broke and worrying about the rent
      Be able to recognize opportunity, so when it knocks you will answer
      Don't smoke
      Drier vents need to be cleaned regularly
      Don't waste your time on earth...contribute
      Either learn how to change a tire or join a motor club
      Playing an instrument as an adult is a very cool thing
      Success is overrated
      Avoid people who constantly complain
     I guess that's it for now.
     Sweet dreams

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