Saturday, June 14, 2014

I can't believe it myself

Sometimes I astound myself with my stupidity

     OK, maybe stupidity is too strong a word.  But yet.....
     64 ounce Snapple tea drinks were on sale at Sullivan's.  I saw the tea with peach variety and bought one.
     It is diet tea!  Has a funny aftertaste in my mouth, and I have 64 (well, maybe 56 at this point) ounces left.  It's not like the word diet wasn't written three inches high on the label.  It is there as plain as day.
     I may have misread it because I might have been wearing my magnetic sunglasses in the store.  I may have.  When I went out to mow today, I could not find any of the three pair I have.  None.  Zero.  Zilch.  Nada.
     I can't tell you how many times I have heard, "Sir, are these yours?" as I walk out of a store.
     I took a flashlight and looked through the cars, finding a couple of pairs under the seat and under the bags in the back seat.  I am still short one pair.  I know somewhere in my life's wanderings  I left them.  I wonder why I even take them out of the car....I should just put them in the car and never take them out.
     I mowed the back yard.  Put the mower away and realized I did not mow the area around our $872 raised garden, that seems to have four bean plants, three pea seedlings and some wilted tomato plants.  I do need to water tomorrow morning.
     And while being cute about the bear was fun for me, it was not so much fun when I dropped the little camera on the cement.  Now it does not work.  It is broken.  It is the second camera I have broken.  Maybe I should use the wrist strap.
     I drove into town today to do five errands, one of which was getting gas for the mower.  So, when I got to town would have not been the time to realize I needed to bring the gas can.
     I have one two gallon can.  So I bought another and filled it.  But it took me several tries (and looking at the directions was last on the list) for using the new gas can, which has a push down to get me to work instead of twisting the spout like crazy label.
     Life sometimes is too difficult for me.  I can't seem to get the easy tasks done.  Yes, I am working on lines for the play.  Yes, I clean house once a week.  Yes, I seem to play a lot of solitaire. Yes, I get easily distracted.
     But I miss so much of the obvious.  At the zoo the other day I was asked if I read the e-mail sent out to volunteers.  I did.  The first paragraph or two.  But paragraph three was pretty darned important and it would have been nice if I had read the  that one!  Then I would not have looked like such an idiot when the supervisor asked if I had any questions.
    I did.  But I didn't ask them because the questions didn't come to me until I went home and read the full e-mail.
    I suppose some day I will be better organized.  Better informed.  Better prepared.
    But then again, I am 66 and I've made it this long being me.
    But folks, it does get tiring.

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