Monday, June 2, 2014

Poppa needs some new shoes

I may have become too specialized with shoes

     I'm a guy.  Guys don't generally have a lot of shoes.  We generally don't like to buy shoes.
     I think I may be an exception.
     I have several pairs of shoes:  good brown shoes to wear with my good pants, good black shoes to wear with dark pants, a pair of shoes to wear in the yard; a pair of gym shoes to wear in the house or while biking; a pair of shoes to wear when walking on the treadmill; a pair of shoes at Emily's to wear in the dog yard; a pair of shoes that I don't seem to wear but still have at the back door; my everyday shoes.
     It's my everyday shoes that are a problem.  I don't like them anymore as everyday shoes.  I bought them in 2011 and have worn them, well, almost every day.  They have a suede finish and I have no idea how to clean them.  They were the last new shoes I bought, with the exception of the shoes for in the house or riding my bike.
     I need to buy wide shoes because I have orthopedic inserts.  I have a hard time finding shoes I like.  I will go shoe hunting after my next zoo visit and will be looking for something like a chukka boot in leather with a wide width.
     I will visit at least 10 stores.  None of them will have what I want.
     I will look on line and find a pair that fits the bill, order them, wait a week, get them and find out I don't like them because they don't fit right.  I will send them back and continue my hunt.
    I will look at Red Wing shoes, because they are made in the USA.  I will look at Ecco because I like the fit.  I will pick up shoes made in China and complain that nothing is made in the USA anymore and not buy those shoes.   I will not find what I want and buy something that is close but will make me unhappy every time I put them on.
    Screw it.   I'll just wear what I have.  That will eliminate a lot of wasted time and effort.
    So, never mind.

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