Thursday, June 12, 2014

Economics is driving me batty

Today I am obsessed with prices

    I really don't know what started it.  I was fine until I picked up the Puff's square box, specially priced at 99 cents.
    Now that seemed like a good deal.  We use Puffs because I think they are soft and gentle on my nose.  They are stronger than competing tissues, and they have an attractive package. (No, I am not being sexist.  Yes, the packages are attractive and the tissue strong.  Puffs will be sending me a check for this endorsement, I am positive.)
    There are 50 tissues in the package, which means, it costs almost 2 cents a tissue!  I never realized the true cost before!!  No wonder Napoleon had his men wear long sleeves....the cost of tissue back then must have been outrageous, leading generals to say to the troops:  "Use your sleeve, save the dollars. Charge.  By the way, I'll be at the rear, planning."
    Then I started thinking about other stuff I buy and its cost.  For example, my Honda gets 40 MPG with gas that is $3.79 a gallon, so I spend $.08 for every mile I drive.  Going into town....56 cents.
Our van gets about 23 (on a good day...wind blowing from the rear, no weight in the car, cruising at 60), which is about 17 cents per gallon, or $1.36 every time I go into town.  And I have to get back!
    The jeans I am thinking about.  They are $40 a pair.  If I wear them three days a week for two years, that is about 12 cents every time I wear them.
    The snack packs I bought.....50 cents each.  OK, it is worth it because I only eat 100 calories when I devour a snack pack.  If I had a whole box of Lorna Doone's, I would eat a whole box of Lorna Doone's.....and I have no idea what the cost per cookie is.
    I have tea every morning.  Lipton's is on sale at Walgreen's for $2.99 for 100 tea bags.  That's about 3 cents per bag.  If I have to drive there to get them, and blow my nose while wearing my new jeans,
 I have spent......$1.26!  Lucky think I have a coupon for a free Red Box rental, because that is right at Walgreen's so I can save $1.20....but now I have to drive there Saturday and return it, with a net cost to me of 8 cents for the free rental!
   Enough, says I.   I am not going to worry about the money any more.  Sure, I spend it like water. ($4.50 for a 20 ounce bottle at the ball park....or about 22 cents an ounce.)  But sometimes it is worth it to spend money on things you like and want rather than regretting it.
    But I am going to start some saving measures.
    So if you happened to stop in to visit, bring your own tissue, tea bag and snack pack.
    I will supply the wine however.  Some pleasures are worth the price.

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