Wednesday, March 9, 2016

sometime this week......

I sit here tonight, stunned

     There are so many reasons.  Warm weather.  Not buying paper towels or toilet paper.
     Ok..... let me explain.  I have this "thing" about paper towels and toilet paper.  I can't pass up a bargain.  Two weeks ago Target had a sale.  If you spent $50 on select items, you got $15 off.  That is a 30 percent savings!
     So I bought two packs of toilet paper and two packs of towels.  I mean the big packs.....12 rolls of paper towels, 12 extra large rolls of toilet paper.  And I saved $15.
     I counted 20 rolls of white paper towels 22 printed towels, and over 60 mega rolls of toilet paper in the basement!  Each upstairs bathroom has another 12 I have almost 100 mega rolls of toilet paper!!  And too many paper towels to use in a year!!
     So, I didn't buy TP or towels when I went shopping today.  Stunning.
     I managed to break apart a counter section so I can throw it out.  That stunned me, because I still am not as strong as I used to be.  Arm, stomach, head.....
     The biggest reason I am stunned?  No, not Bernie in Michigan.  No not Rubio in Puerto Rico.
But 39,731.
     I will say it again.  39,731.
     That is the number of page visits my blog has gotten since I started this as a New Year's resolution to not give up on projects.
     That means, when 269 more people read this blog, I will hit the 40,000 number!  Holy cow! Never in my life did I think my blog would attract 40,000 views.
I have said this before  and I really mean it:  Thank you for reading me.  Thank you for commenting and liking this.  Thank you for being my friend. (Bea Arthur just flashed naked through my brain...any idea why?)
     I am a person who needs constant praise.  Seriously, I do.
     Today I got rejected by a publishing entity for a travel piece......second time in two weeks.   I think they are both making a mistake, but I am not in charge.
     I was feeling a little unwanted, untalented, unneeded.
     And in fact, I may be all of that, especially untalented, but discovering that many blogs views has lightened my mood considerably.
     Again, thank you.
     And good night.

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