Wednesday, March 23, 2016

I'm baaaack!!

I left the area for a few days

Guess where?
Here's a hint.

     In case you can't tell, this is the Jose Marti La Habana international airport building.
     La Habana.... as in Havana.  As in Cuba.
     Yes, fun seekers, I visited my first Communist country today.
     I have a lot of pictures to weed through, some more to down load, and some to find.
    And I have a lot of stories to tell.
    My friend Dan and I went to Cuba on a Roads Scholar trip.  This is a tour group that caters to, let's say, more mature folks.  And old got a new definition.  Our oldest member, a young 85 year old gent from Minnesota, was the first with a joke, the first to dance, the first to go off on a new adventure an the first to share a drink.  I want to be like him when I grow up.  This man was a hoot.!
     And I leaned something about myself on this little trip.
     I am a wine person, Cuba is not wine country.  But they have a little drink down there they call the mojito.
     When you go into most hotels, they hand you one for a welcome drink.
     When you go into most restaurants, they hand you one for a welcome drink.
     When I hesitantly sipped my first mojito on a 90 degree day, I said "This is great!"
     I like mojitoes.
     I guess I should not use the word stories.  On a tour you are pretty much expected to stay with your group.  And I did.  Being in a Communist country with a heavy police presence, some even in uniform, makes the idea of wandering off on your own a little less desirable.
     But, I am getting ahead of myself.
     Starting tomorrow, I will be writing about my experience.  Notice I said my experience, because Dan may have different perceptions.  And he may have understood some things more clearly than I did.  So what I write about will be my interpretation.
     But it will be true.  Pretty serious.  Mostly.
     So....that's it for tonight.  Feeling a little tired after a long day and at the same time, am a little jazzed about sleeping in my own bed without the fear of bedbugs.
     But I do miss my nightly mojito.  Or two.    Or three............

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