Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Happy birthday, good doctor

I love Dr. Suess books

Easy to read and fun to be heard.
No way to rhyme?  Just make up a word!
Great characters like The Lorax and Grinch.
Writing for fun for him was a cinch.
Who doesn't like eggs green like that?
Or a funny old cat who lived in a hat?
And taking a tour down  Mulberry Street
was always a treat for my eyes and my feet.
Simple stories he'd write with a flair,
and include words pulled out of the air.
Words that mean nothing, like oobleck.
He'd use it just for the heck.
Or Zizzer zazzer zuzz.
a phrase like a buzz.
Did Horton hear it too?
Did he catch a sound of the Who?
Julia and Emily always heard Suess.
His ABCs book was of great use.
We'd read it to them, before their bed.
Books that were good with nothing to dread.
Julia would giggle and squeal with delight
when we hit T almost every night.
Because next came U and a  funny fellow we all knew,
Uncle Ub's umbrella, and his underwear too.
My memory's weak about Emily's taste.
I'm writing this fast, so I might be in haste.
Maybe her love of books and animals, too
came from hearing If I Ran the Zoo.
There was one she liked lots,
that dealt with a fox and some rocks.
But I don't think Dr. Suess was the author.
I'm sorry, but that's all I can offer.
The places we''ll go we can't always know,
but the good doctor was there to help us grow.
So thanks to you, Theodore Geisel
Your books still make all people smisle.

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