Saturday, March 12, 2016

I can't imagine it....

I was at a wedding tonight

     Yes, someone actually invited us to a social event!  Jackie and I were thrilled to be at Erin and Adam's wedding.
     The DJ had a contest for the longest married....there were two couples wed  over 50 years,  I think one was 59 years....but I could be off a year or two.  It was one couple's 50 anniversary today.
     Just think of it!  50 years together.
     Since they got married, the presidents have been Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Regan, George H. Bush, Clinton, George W. Bush and Obama!
     Computers have become commonplace in the home.  Cell phones have inundated society.
     We've put a man on the moon and built a space station.  We've developed the internet and all the wild and wacky ways to communicate and learn.....yet I spend a lot of time playing solitaire and scanning through cat videos.
     We've expanded from 4 basic tv channels to over 500, at least it seems that many.  And sometimes I can't find anything to watch.
     Lucy and Desi never slept in the same bed.  Now most shows have sexual references up the wazoo, and couples are routinely seen in bed.
     We have cars that can drive themselves and phones that talk to you.
    The segregated lunch counters and schools of the South are gone, but there is still a lot of hatred and discrimination.  "We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal."  Good words, but it would be better if everyone followed them.
     We ended a war in Asia, but find ourselves mired down in combating extremists in the mid-East.  Same show, different cast, different channel.
     Women are now in the front lines, so I guess the cast is changing somewhat.
     We've entered the nuclear energy age, and segued to the renewable resources age but we still rely on those old fossil fuels for much of our power and transportation.
     The Bears won a Super Bowl, the White Sox a pennant, the Bulls a bunch of titles and the Hawks have added several.  The Cubs?  This is the year.
     50 years is a long time.
     Jackie and I are pretty close, 47 next December.
     It's not always easy.
     But life isn't supposed to be easy.
     And in the end, 50 years doesn't seem that long after all.

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