Saturday, March 5, 2016

down, girl, down

I think my dog is communicating with me

     Seriously!  I am hearing voices in my head, and it seems to be from the dog.
     Just tonight I was sitting on the couch eating some freshly baked zucchini bread that Jackie had made, and a voice popped into my head:  "Hey, that looks good.  Can I have some?"  It was Corki!!
     I can be sitting quietly reading a book and I suddenly hear,"Hey, I brought out this toy.  Why don't you play with me?"
     Sometimes I will even hear, "Please give me a treat."
     She is a polite dog.  And a patient dog.  When Jackie is getting out her noon treat, she constantly is saying, "Come on.  Hurry up.  I can't keep dancing like this forever.  What do you think, I'm auditioning for dancing with the stars?"
    She also commented on the election battle in the Republican party.  Well, actually she didn't say it at the time, but she looked at me and said, "Please let me out.  I want to show what I think of that circus."  And she took a huge drumph in the front yard!
     I tell you, the dog is amazing.
     But that made me a little curious.
     When people hear voices in their heads, are they crazy?  Either way, how do you know?
     I remember a woman in South Carolina, or maybe North Carolina, who droned her three youngsters because God told her to do it.  the guy in the Planned Parenthood clinic shootings expressed a similar thought.
     Now, I am not overly religious, but I don't think my God is telling people to commit crimes and take lives.  Call me crazy, but that doesn't seem to be His method.
     Corki did tell me the other day she wanted to go for a walk.  But it was cold, so we didn't go.  She chided me a little for my softness.  But I didn't mind.  It was too cold to walk.
     She was listening to the news with Jackie and looked at me and said, "Hey, supposed to be warmer tomorrow.  You ow me a walk.  Besides, it will help you work off some of that zucchini bread you wouldn't share."
     She actually makes sense.
     Guess I better start doing what the little girl says.

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