Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Not another one

I am getting tired of Facebook

     It seem that lately the quality of postings has gone down.
     So please, ease up on the following:
       Cat videos
       Stupid people doing stupid things and getting hurt.  (Ok, usually they are pretty funny, to be honest._
       Things you think are true but are not true.
       Cat videos.   Yes, I dislike them that much.
       Pictures of food.  It makes me too hungry.  Every time I see a posting of food I get up and raid the pantry.  You people are causing my weight gain, not my lack of will power and self control.
       Postings that tell us you are going to bed.  Yes, that includes me.  I do make exceptions for the obvious....nights of sleeplessness, bouts of drinking, parties, huge events in your life. ...things that are keeping you abnormally up late or awake.
       People of Walmart.  Just not funny, but sad.
anything that encourages people to vote for Drumphf.
       Blogs by people who think they are funny.  Oh......wait a minute, never mind that one.
       Anything from Brainjet....just don't like their format.
       Pictures with hidden pictures or words.  I can't find Waldo.  I can't tell twins apart.  I can't discriminate between similar objects, so those puzzles perplex the crap out of me.
       St Louis Cardinals.....anything.  Yes Robert, that means you!
       Pictures of guys with flat stomachs, six pack abs and guns for arms.  Molly, they make me jealous and insecure.  Normally they could serve as an incentive to they weight challenged exercise opposed part of the population over age 65, but I am realistic.  I will never look like that.....even close to it.  I just get depressed and grab a couple of cookies to compensate.
       Any heavy set guys wearing sleeveless t shirts or plaid shirts with their sleeves cut off.
       Pictures of elderly men in white gym shoes.
       Photos of warm places any time our temperature drops below 60 degrees.
    I could list more, but I have to check out some cat videos while I munch my snack before I go to bed.
     Good night, Irene.

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