Thursday, March 3, 2016

it's like Pinocchioio

My list keeps growing

     That's my list of movies, plants and things to do at Julia's when I get there next.
     It's growing because I added another section:  museums.
     Yes, museums.
     There is a lot going on in Chicago.
     My hero, Johnny Carson, is the subject of a display at the Museum of Broadcast Communications.
His couch and desk are there, along with high lights, clips, costumes and all sorts of memorabilia from the King of Late Night.
     Funny....I loved Johnny.  I waited for Ed to say "Heeeeerrrrrres Johnny" every night.  So explain to me why I have only watched the reruns one time?  I miss him, but don't watch him.  Strange.
     Over at the Field Museum there are the terra cotta soldiers from China.  This is an amazing display of Chinese antiquities.  There were like a million (figuratively, not literally) of the terra cotta solders uncovered in China and these touring the world.
     The Art Institute has an exhibit on Van Gogh.  I don't have to tell you that this is my favorite artist.  I have walked the Van Gogh trail in Arles, France, the town where the yellow bedroom house is and where he lost part of an ear.  I have seen the same places he painted.  I love his bold colors and the energy I feel in his work.
     The Holocaust Museum has a display on the 1936 Olympics.  These were held in Germany and Hitler planned on them to be a showcase for superiority of the Aryan race.  Well, surprise!  A gent named Jesse Owens had other ideas.
     And of course, this is the fifth year in a row I want to do the architectural boat tour.  I wonder if I will ever do that.
     I also have some tickets to a walking tour by the architecture people....maybe I'll find some time to do that.
     I do know my first goal is the Van Gogh exhibit, because that ends sometime in May.
     If you know me, you know this is one of my personality flaws.  I want to do these things.... but I end up not doing anything.  Just like not riding my bike and not finishing my best seller.
     Life for me has to be different.  It is getting too short for me to not experience the world.
     If I wore a hat, now would be a good time to hold on to it.

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