Tuesday, March 1, 2016

so funny, I forgot to cry

What the hell is happening??

     I feel like there is a big practical joke going on in our country, and no one told me about it.
     Please, end it now!
     I can't take the bullying, the lies, the false promises.........
     The educated man, whose university failed and is the subject of a fraud suit.
     The builder, who had two condo projects with units sold and not built but did not refund the money.
     The bully who feels it is ok to make fun of disabled people, obese people, people of color, ....he asked that African American students be removed from a rally at a building on their campus.  They were standing silently, and he had them removed.
     The guy who has not given one specific example of what his presidency would look like.... but we'll be great again.
     We never stopped being great!
     Last week he said he wanted to change the laws that govern libel to make it easier to sue a newspaper.  It's real easy to sue a newspaper.  Prove they intentionally provided inaccurate reporting of a person.  Change the law to control the press?  That's what they do in Communist countries and dictatorships.
     Please, please, please I beg of you.... tell me this is a joke and I am one of the last ones to know.
     Because honestly, that is the only thought keeping me sane at this point!

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