Friday, March 4, 2016

A big bang

I was somewhat of a practical joker

     I may have told this story already.  If I did, forgive me.
     During my first years of teaching, I had a principal named Ann.
     She had a great sense of humor and was/is a good person.
     Our school had a hot water heating system, which meant a boiler in the basement.
     The building was built in the early 1950s and the boiler was original.  It was kept working by a big hammer pounding on it  and a routine which included once it goes on, it does not go off until it gets warm outside.  Then it goes off until it gets cold.  And it only goes off and on once a school year.
     I did my share of jokes.  Turned her desk around but turned all the papers and stuff so it looked normal.  When a parent came in for a conference,  Ann sat down and  her knees banged into the back of the desk, which was now her front.
     She was not the only one I pranked.
     I used to go into the office  after school and use the intercom to connect to Diane's room..... then I would just breathe heavily into the intercom.  Darth Vader before Star Wars.  Or an obscene intercom call, you take your pick.
     One warm spring day, I was in my fourth grade classroom.  It was late, maybe 5 p.m. or so.
     Ann came down to my room and said, "Terry, just so you know, the red warning light is flashing on the boiler.  I've called maintenance. "
     Then jokingly she added, "I''ll be using  the bathroom... just so you know in case it explodes."
     I was getting ready to go and saw a brown paper bag on my desk.
     The idea ran into my head before I could put up a stop sign.
     I crept down to where the bathroom was, stood outside the door, blew up the bag and slammed it hard against my hand.
     The boom was tremendously loud and echoed off the walls.
     Ann came from around the corner and looked at me.
     "Dickow," she said.  "That was not funny.  Go home now."
     I always knew we would laugh about it years later.
     And someday she will see the humor in it...... but I don't think it has happened yet.

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